Kekbot Mechatronics kit
With this kit you can make your own mechatronics system.
For example a drum playing robot or a infra red controlled walking robot or a ..... High school kids are using to make their own drum playing robot (in Dutch).
Kit contents:
- Launchpad Development tool from TI
- Use the TI software (see link on the box) or
- the Energia software (Arduino like), installeren
- Kekbot PCB with:
- Infra Red LED and reciever (+ 2 resistors and capacitor)
- Relais (x2)
- Different header pins
- 2 servo motors
See electronics scheme and pictures below to see how it is connected. If you like you can send in your great ideas,designs and programs for this wiki to mygreatidea[add]kekbot[dot]nl